“Long Story Short”

General Operation Rules

iF0 is an operational organization that dedicates in the exhibition and encouragement of films around the world.

  1. We support domestic and international films.

  2. We accepts multiple films from any one participant, or group of participants, in any given festival term.

  3. Films are required to follow the length standards specified in each length category. Click Link for standard time lengths

  4. iF0 reserve the right to determine the eligibility of any film(s) submitted.

  5. We accept films that were submitted or in the process of submission in other festivals.

  6. Foreign (other than English) language films to be submitted with English subtitles, unless iF0 premieres the competition in the selected foreign country.

  7. iF0 does not, or will not own the rights of any filmmaker’s film.

  8. iF0 WILL NOT be responsible for any involvement of unsettled trademarked or copyrighted materials in your project. It is the sole responsibility of the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the trademark or copyright holders of the material in question, whether it is music, stock footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing trademark or copyright.

  9. iF0 does not accept films that focus in propaganda, pornography, hate speech, or promote violence.

  10. Participants must complete all forms and questionnaires required for selection.

  11. Short films must be submitted in full high definition or higher.

  12. iF0 requires films to have acceptable sound.

  13. iF0 does not pay for screening fees for submitted films.

  14. Submission fees are not refundable.

  15. iF0 requires films to be submitted at FilmFreeway.com or the iF0 Website.

  16. iF0 reserves the right to make changes at any time of rules, regulations, terms, conditions, dates, locations, calendars, awards, and etc.

  17. iF0 reserves the right to make changes to festival affairs without notice or with short notice. It is solely the responsibility of participants to check any updates.

  18. Participants must be respectful to the iF0 website, and its affiliates, members, sponsors, and volunteers;  We will NOT tolerate any disrespectful act of any kind to iF0, keep it professional.

  19. We have the right to use samples, images, trailers, posters, and any other form of media of the participant’s content, as long as iF0 needs it for promotional use.

iF0 requires all participants to make sure to follow and accept all the rules, regulations, standards, and all forms for submissions.

Voting Rules & Standards

Micro & Standard Film Categories Only

iF0 is committed to implementing the most unbiased voting strategies. While there may be some benefit in selecting specific judges for the voting processes, we believe that allowing ‘The People’ to control the majority vote is best. We believe that Peer Voting establishes equipotent opportunity (equal in power, ability, and effect). Therefore, the majority of voting will be done by the Participants.

Round 1 Participant Voting: All submissions will be divided into equal groups, and voted for based on participant’s submission categories, to be considered into the official Online Competition. We shall not exceed 10 groups, which leaves a max. of 10 final films, per category, entered into the official competition. Round 1 Participation is REQUIRED to be considered continued competence in the competition.

Participants are REQUIRED to vote for Second Round films in their submission categories. For example, a participant who submitted a Micro-Action film is REQUIRED to view and vote through ALL other Micro-Action Films.

Round 2 Participant Voting: Participants are REQUIRED to vote for Second Round films in their submission categories. For example, a participant who submitted a Micro-Action film is REQUIRED to view and vote through ALL other Micro-Action Films.

Final Round - Best of The Best: Professional Judges to Judge the best Crew Awards as well as the Best of the each Standard Awards.

Long, Extended & Feature Length Film Categories Only

It all comes down to the Judges... Experienced and Qualified iF0 partners from the film industry. They are, Producers, Talent, Instructors, and Sponsors who are looking to support, award, and promote your content.


iF0 recognizes each filmmaker’s hard work in the making of films and we believe that each effort should be recognized, credited, awarded, and rewarded. Making films, no matter the length, could be tough; therefore we make sure that the winning projects are gifted with tools that can help the filmmaker make more films. The gifts may include a combination of tools like filmmaking equipment, software, perks, discounts, memberships, travels, currency, recognition (& certificates), possible distribution / streaming opportunities, the Underdog Trophy Award, etc. 

Disclaimer: ALL AWARDS AND TROPHIES WILL BE GIVEN TO THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING THE FILM. We consider the submitting individual the Owner of the Rights to the Film.